I finished the last round of the WSK Super Master Series in Sarno with a very positive result. 79 drivers competed in the OKJ class, and I took the high 14th position. It was only my fifth start in the junior category, so I’m so satisfied. But I feel I could do better.I have already driven twice on the track near Vesuvius, but in the much slower MINI class. So during training I had to quickly “drive in”, gain confidence and speed. I had the impression that it worked out. The quali went very well, I took 11th place in the group, and 32nd overall. I also did the four qualifying races quite well and finished 15th, 10th, 10th and 14th in them. In the pre-finals I crossed the finish line 11, which gave me 24 starting positions in the final. The final was by far my best race of the race weekend, I was going fast, confident, steady and finished 14th.I consider the start in Sarno a successful one, although I am not entirely satisfied with it. I did not have a good feeling, in qualifying heats I did not use 100% of my abilities. My riding lacked consistency. From race to race, however, I feel more and more confident in the OKJ class. Now I have new races ahead of me, on tracks in Portugal, Spain and Sweden. I look forward to them. I hope you will keep your fingers crossed for me there.Many thanks to WARD RACING and in particular to my mechanic Sergiy and Paweł.

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